Trade and Transport Facilitation in Bangladesh

    CPD Working Paper 109

    Trade and Transport Facilitation in Bangladesh
    An Audit of the State of Play

    This working paper embodies the results of trade and transport facilitation audit which was carried out in the Bangladesh context, as part of a South Asian regional study.The study documents the major developments taking place in the concerned areas as also the planned initiatives, and identifies some of the key emerging needs.

    The paper argues that, for Bangladesh to be competitive in the backdrop of the evolving regional and global trading scenario, there is no alternative to building a modern and efficient trade and transport facilitation system. Such a system will benefit all relevant stakeholders including consumers, producers and entrepreneurs, and also the entire economy.

    The paper draws attention to the need for mobilising the needed resources to address the formidable gaps in this regard.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman, Khaleda Akhter and Naimul Gani Saif

    Publication Period: April 2015

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