Trade Facilitation towards Export Promotion in the Indian Market: Addressing the Emerging Gaps

    CPD Research Monograph 8

    Trade Facilitation towards Export Promotion in the Indian Market
    Addressing the Emerging Gaps

    The opportunities and potential benefits that could emerge from deepening bilateral trade and investment and economy-wide cooperation between Bangladesh and India are undermined, to a large measure, by significant deficits in the areas of cross-border trade facilitation. This has emerged as a binding constraint that is adversely affecting the ongoing efforts on the part of Bangladesh to take advantage of India’s offer of duty-free, quota-free market access for virtually all products of exports for the SAARC-LDCs. The study argues that better trade facilitation will stimulate domestic and foreign investment in Bangladesh targeting the Indian market and will enable them to take greater advantage of the preferential market access offer extended by India.

    Contributors: Mustafizur Rahman and Khaleda Akhter
    Publication Period: August 2014
    ISBN 978-984-8946-15-2
    Price: Tk. 220 USD 20