Thursday, July 4, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

This paper explores asymmetrical risks that leave some people more vulnerable than others, and relates these asymmetries to the structurally derived variations in socioeconomic circumstances. Read more
The articles provide a source of ideas, practical actions, analysis and case studies on the partnerships and programmes needed to create a development agenda that is truly shared, in terms of both responsibilities and benefits. Read more
This article estimates returns to education among entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, using unique survey data from 2012. Our main instrument for education is the education of the father of the entrepreneur, and we control for sibling education in order to take out the potential effect of father education on productivity and profitability. Read more
The paper analyses the potential opportunities between Bangladesh and Myanmar stemming from sub-regional cooperation. Read more
This study reviews connectivity initiatives of Bangladesh and the two neighboring regions and proposes ways to deepen regional and interregional connectivity. Read more
This paper assesses the opportunities for sub-regional energy cooperation between four countries: Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar, with Myanmar as a node. Read more
The study argues that better trade facilitation will stimulate domestic and foreign investment in Bangladesh targeting the Indian market Read more
The discussions are showcased by these policy essays by leading academics and decision-makers, as well as new DEGRP research and practical examples from other countries. Read more
A major shortcoming of the MDGs was the failure to clearly spell out the resources required for implementation. The latest proposals for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) attempt to do so more comprehensively, in a more meaningful spirit of partnership. Read more
This study provides an overview of the evolution of political parties since the birth of Bangladesh. It analyses and compares the ideology, organisational structure, leadership and support base of four major electoral political parties Read more
This chapter identifies the central issue in the evolution of democratic politics in South Asia: the need to democratize election-based political practice which has autocratic tendencies. Read more
Bangladesh has been able to raise its GDP growth rate by at least one percent for each of the past three decades. The challenge now is to accelerate economic growth to eight to ten percent over the foreseeable future. Read more