Wednesday, July 3, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

As in earlier years, the IRBD FY2010-11 volume of CPD highlights major developments in the economy of Bangladesh, and flags emerging challenges confronting macroeconomic management for the relevant fiscal years. Read more
The report contains analyses of three thematic areas – Trends in Labour Market and Social Development in Bangladesh; Impact of Trade on Employment; and International Migration, Remittance and Welfare Outcomes. Read more
The objective of this paper is to raise awareness about the issues and to propose a basis for adoption of a transfer pricing regime in Bangladesh. Read more
This paper explores the unaddressed question of how the large, complex paddy-rice market in Bangladesh is able to solve the problem of complex exchange, faced by the dominant rice millers and brokers (aratdars) who face the most complex risks. Read more
Cross-border trade and transactions require a number of steps and procedures that need to be completed. The related exercise engages several actors and requires a number of documents at various stages of the supply chain Read more
The seventh monograph of the CPD-SACEPS Monograph series, brought out under the programme on Eradication of Poverty in South Asia Through the Empowerment of the Poor is a Bangladesh Country Study Read more
This CPD-IRBD volume is published to take stock of major economic developments experienced in the fiscal year 2010-11. Read more
The study analyses the global trends in trade in raw jute and jute goods (export and import) over the past years, particularly focusing on the Bangladesh performance; captures the changes in both sourcing and destination Read more
The volume includes four chapters covering a full-fiscal report card of macroeconomic performance of Bangladesh in FY2009-10 Read more
The contents of this report comprise of two core components. The first component reviews the macroeconomic situation of Bangladesh in the early months of FY2010-11 Read more
This monograph, inter alia, addresses the issues of lack of access to productive assets and inequitable participation of the market by the resource-poor. Read more
This study, first of its kind in Bangladesh, was undertaken by the CPD in view of the serious social and economic consequences of spousal violence which may have an impact on the national productivity of the country. Read more