Monday, March 31, 2025

Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem



Research Director

Skype: kgmoazzem


Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem is a prominent industrial economist in Bangladesh. He currently serves as the Research Director at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), a leading think tank based in Dhaka. With over 30 years of experience, he has published more than 80 papers, reports, and book chapters on diverse topics, including workers’ rights, working conditions, social safety nets, income tax, power and energy, environment, and Bangladesh’s readymade garment sector.

Aside from this, Dr Moazzem has also conducted extensive research on various subjects, including gender equality, social justice, and environmental sustainability. He actively participates in various policy discussions aimed at improving labour practices and promoting the use of clean and renewable energy as well. Dr Moazzem is also an avid writer, contributing regularly to various newspapers and policy-related websites.

In addition to this, Dr Moazzem has a strong reputation as a policymaker and collaborates extensively with various government committees and trade bodies. These collaborations include active participation in the formulation of the Industrial Policy of Bangladesh (2010 and 2016) and membership in the Committee on Trade Facilitation established by the Ministry of Commerce (MoC). He is also a member of the Eminent Group established by the External Resource Division (ERD) and has previously served as a member of the Advisory Board of the Accord, Bangladesh. Additionally, he is a member of the panel of advisors for Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industries (FBCCI), the apex trade body of Bangladesh, and works as an advisor to the Bangladesh Technical Education Board.

Curriculum Vitae



1. Global Value Chains, World of Work, Gender and Environment

Fahmida Khatun and K G Moazzem. 2008. Gender and Trade Liberalisation in Bangladesh: The Case of the Readymade Garments. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka. Summary available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and M.I. Chowdhury. 2016 “Green growth in Bangladesh – Improving regulations, monitoring and enforcement in the textile sector” SANDEE Policy Brief, Number 96-16, January 2016. Available at:

Moazzem, K.G., A.S.M.S.A. Shibly & F.S. Chowdhury (2021). Vulnerability, Resilience and Recovery in Readymade Garment (RMG) Enterprises of Bangladesh: An Assessment of Impact and Implications of the COVID Pandemic, CPD-CED Publication, Dhaka. Related materials are available at:

Moazzem, K.G., F. Khatun, K. Hewage, T. Ahmed & A. Pathirana (2021).Recovery of the Apparel Value Chain in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka: Is There a Value-chain Based Solution Possible?”, Southern Voice Working Paper, A brief is available at:

Moazzem, K.G. et al. (forthcoming). Impact of COVID-19 on the Labour Market: Policy Proposals for Trade Union on Employment, Gender and Social Security for Sustainable Recovery, CPD-BILS Working Paper, Dhaka. Related materials are available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and T. Ahmed (forthcoming). Corporate Accountability of the RMG Sector in view of COVID Pandemic: Challenges in Ensuring Workers’ Well-being, CPD-Shojag Coalition Working Paper, Dhaka. Related materials are available at:

Moazzem, K.G., A. Khandker (2021). EU’s EBA & Prospect of GSP+ for Bangladesh: Addressing Challenges related to Labour Laws and Rights, CPD-Network Matters Working Paper, Dhaka. Related materials are available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and Reza, M.M. (2020). Growth of Manufacturing Employment in the Changing Context of Trade and Trade-Related Policies. In Muqtada, M. (Eds). Quest for Inclusive Growth in Bangladesh: An Employment-focused Strategy. Singapore: Springer. Available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and M.R. Ahmad. 2018. ‘Data Universe’ of Bangladesh’s RMG Enterprises: How to Meet the Data Gap? Policy Brief 2018 (11). Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K. G. and Reza, M. M. 2018. Growth of Employment in the Manufacturing Sector. CPD Working Paper 118. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K. G. and Arfanuzzaman, M. 2018. Livelihood Challenges of RMG Workers: Exploring Scopes within the Structure of Minimum Wages and Beyond. CPD Working Paper 122. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K. G. and Radia, M. A. 2018. ‘Data Universe’ of Bangladesh’s RMG Enterprises: Key Features and Limitations. CPD Working Paper 123. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Rahman, M. and Moazzem, K. G. 2017. “The Legacy of Rana Plaza: Improving Labour and Social Standards in Bangladesh’s Apparel Industry.” In Hira, A. and Benson-Rea, M. (eds.) Governing Corporate Social Responsibility in the Apparel Industry After Rana Plaza. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Moazzem, K.G., M.U Ahmed and A. Islam. 2015. Wage Fixing Institutions and Their Impacts in Major Garment Producing Countries: Case of Bangladesh. Paper submitted to the ILO, Geneva.

Moazzem, K. G. 2014. “Transformation of the Export-oriented, Ready-made Garment Sector of Bangladesh: Changes, Challenges and the Future Outlook” in Dirk Willem te Velde (ed.) Enhancing Productivity in Bangladesh’s Garment Sector: Current Policy and Research Debates, DEGRP Policy Essays, September 2014.

Moazzem, K.G. 2014. Garments Sector Transparency Initiative: Feasibility Study, Garments Sector Transparency Initiative, Berlin and Centre for Policy Dialogue, Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G., S. Raz, D. Miller, C. Schlangen and I. V. Sluijs. 2013. Estimating a Living Minimum Wage for the Ready Made Garment Sector in Bangladesh, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Berenschot, The Netherlands.

Moazzem, K.G. and F. Sehrin. 2018. “An Exploratory Study on Technological Upgradation in Bangladesh’s Apparels Sector in the Dynamics and Changes in the Regional Value Chain” to be published as book chapter in the book titled Strengthening the Textile and Clothing Sector in South Asia, ADB, India.

M. Rahman, D. Bhattacharya and K. G. Moazzem. 2007. Bangladesh’s Apparel Sector in Post-MFA Period: A Benchmarking Study on the Ongoing Restructuring Process. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).

Moazzem. K. G. and S. R. Shimon. 2007. “Technological Restructuring in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh in View of MFA Phase Out: Impact and Implications” published in the Proceedings of International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Spain, March.

Bhattacharya, Debapriya and K. G. Moazzem. 2013. Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the Global Value Chain (GVC): Trends, Determinants and Challenges, CPD Working Paper 104, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).

Moazzem, K.G. and K. Rayan. 2014. Promoting of Inclusive Businesses in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges in Agribusiness. Katalyst, Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G. and Farzana Sehrin. 2016. ‘Economic Upgrading in Bangladesh’s Apparel value Chain during Post-MFA Period: An Exploratory Analysis” in the South Asia Economic Journal, 17(1), pp.73-93. Sage Publications. New Delhi.

2. Global Value Chains, Decent Employment, Living Wages and Social Dialogue

Moazzem, K.G. and Shibly, A.S.A. (2020). Challenges for the Marginalised Youth in Accessing Jobs: How Effective is Public Service Delivery? CPD Working Paper 132. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K.G., Ahmed, T., Shibly, A.S.A., Taznur, T. (2020). The Crisis in the World of Work in view of COVID-19: Is the Partnership across the RMG Value Chain in Reverse Order? CPD-FES Policy Brief. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). Available at:

Moazzem, K.G. (2020). “Strengthening Global Partnerships for Empowering People and Ensuring 57 Inclusiveness (SDG 17)” in Rahman, M. (Ed). (2020). Four years of SDGs in Bangladesh: Non-state actors as delivery partners. Dhaka: Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh.

Moazzem, K.G. and Shibly, A.S.A. (2020). Challenges for the Marginalised Youth in Accessing Jobs: How Effective is Public Service Delivery? CPD Working Paper 132. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).

Moazzem, K.G, F. B. Halim (2019). “Job Creation in the Manufacturing Sector as a Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth in Bangladesh” in Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, Dr. Sabyasachi Saha et al. Manufacturing and Jobs in South Asia: Strategy for Sustainable Economic Growth, Springer. Singapore. Available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and M. Ali (2019). Report on The Power and Energy Sector of Bangladesh: Challenges of Moving beyond the Transition State, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), available at:

Moazzem, K. G. and Reza, M. M. 2018. Growth of Employment in the Manufacturing Sector. CPD Working Paper 118. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K.G., S. F. B. Halim and M. Shafayat. 2018. Can a Sustaianble Inspection System be Developed?: The Case of RMG Sector in Bangladesh, Policy Brief 2018 (12). Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G. and S.S. Azim. 2018. Workers’ Organisaitons in RMG Enterprises: How to Address Institutional Challenges?, Policy Brief 2018 (13). Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G. and Md. Arfanuzzaman. 2018. Are Subcontractee Enterprises Able to Upgrade?: Insights from a Case Study, Policy Brief 2018 (14). Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G., M. Arfanuzzaman, F. B. Halim, M. M Reza and S.S. Azim. 2018. Performance of EPZ RMG Enterprises: Are They Still Better Compared to Non-EPZ Enterprises?, Policy Brief 2018 (13). Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K. G., Halim, S. F. B. and Shafayat, M. 2018. Can a Sustainable Inspection System be Developed?: The Case of RMG Sector in Bangladesh. Policy Brief 12. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K. G. and Azim, S. S. 2018. Workers’ Organisations in RMG Enterprises: How to Address Institutional Challenges? Policy Brief 13. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K. G. and Arfanuzzaman, M. 2018. Are Subcontractee Enterprises Able to Upgrade?: Insights from a Case Study. Policy Brief 14. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K. G., Arfanuzzaman, M., Halim, F. B., Reza, M. M. and Azim, S. S. 2018. Performance of EPZ RMG Enterprises: Are They Still Better Compared to Non-EPZ Enterprises? Policy Brief 15. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Available at:

Moazzem, K. G., Khandker, A., Radia, M. A. and Ali, S. 2017. Strengthening the Social Dialogue Process within a Weak Enabling Environment: The Case of Bangladesh’s RMG Study. CPD Monograph 9. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).

Moazzem, K.G., Adiba Afros, Kishore Kumer Basak and Farzana Sefrin. 2014. One Year after the Rana Plaza Tragey: Where Do We Stand?-The Victims, the Sector and theValue Chain, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).

Moazzem, K.G., Adiba Afros and Farzana Sehrin. 2014. Rana Plaza Tragedy and Beyond: A Follow Up on Commitments and Delivery, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.

Moazzem, K.G. and Meherun Nesa. 2013. 100 Days of Rana Plaza Tragedy: A report on Commitments and Delivery. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).

Moazzem, K. G. and Khandker, A. 2016. Post-Rana Plaza Developments in Bangladesh: Towards Building a Responsible Supply Chain in the Apparel Sector. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Pathak Shamabesh.

Moazzem, K.G. and Abeer Khandker. 2016. Post Rana Developments in Bangladesh: Towards Building a Responsible Supply Chain in the Apparels Sector. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Pathak Shamabesh.

Moazzem, K. G. and K. Rayan (2016). “‘Shut-Down Rule’ vs. ‘Closure’: Which one is relevant on closed garment factories of Bangladesh?” Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, Volume 31, Number 3, January 2016. Pp 371-384; available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and K. K. Bashak. Unpublished. Margin and Its Relation with Firm Level Compliance: Illustration of the Bangladesh Apparel Value Chain, CPD Occasional Paper, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G. and Raz, S. 2014. Minimum Wage in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh: Definition, Determination Method and Levels. CPD Working Paper 106.

Moazzem, K.G. and Ariful Islam, 2015. Moving beyond the Shadow of the Rana Plaza Tragedy: In Search of a Closure and Restructuring Strategy. Fourth Monitoring Report. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD).

Moazzem, K.G. and S. Raz. 2012. Export of Brazil’s RMG related Products to Bangladesh: Scopes for Match-Making under the CPD-GIZ Study on “Enhancing Bilateral Trade between Brazil and Bangladesh”, November. GIZ, Dhaka.

Moazzem, K. G. and T. Rahman. 2011. “Development of the value chain in the textile and clothing sector of Bangladesh: Is there a role for regional trade agreements?” in the book titled Fighting Irrelevance: The Role of Regional Trade Agreements in International Production Networks in Asia published by the Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT). Bangkok.

3. LDC Graduation, Regional Trade, WTO and Connectivity related Issues

Moazzem, K. G. and Arno, A. 2018. “Structural transformation of Bangladesh economy: Role of smooth transition after graduation”. In Bhattacharya, D. (Ed.). Bangladesh’s Graduation from the Least Developed Countries Group: Pitfalls and Promises. London: Routledge.

Moazzem, K. G. and K. K. Basak. 2013. “Pruning the SAFTA Sensitive List of Bangladesh: Its Scope, Methods and Selection of Products” in the South Asia Economic Journal, 14(2) 231–260, SAGE Publishers, New Delhi.

Moazzem, K.G. and M.I. Chowdhury. 2012. Chapter 14.”Value Chain in the Light Engineering Sector of Bangladesh: Challenges towards the Development of Regional Linkages” in the book titled Changing Structure of International Trade and Investment in South Asia: Implications for Growth and Development, to be published by the Oxford University Press, India.

Moazzem, K.G., Chowdhury, M.I. and Raz, S. 2014. Bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): Opportunities and Challenges for Bangladesh – Framework Issues. CPD Working Paper 107.

Ivar Kolstad, Arne Wiig, and K G Moazzem. 2014. Returns to education among entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. Journal of Asian Economics 34 (2014) 54–65

Moazzem, K.G. and F. Sehrin. 2014. Coordinated Development of Manufacturing Industry in South Asia: Case of Bangladesh. SACEPS. Kathmandu.

Moazzem, K.G. and T. Ahmaed (2020). Impact of COVID 19 and Implications for Its Graduation from LDC Group, report submitted to the UNCTAD.

Moazzem, K. G. and Arno, A. (2019). CPD Policy Brief 3 on ‘Business as Usual’ Trend of Structural Transformation: Can this Ensure Graduation with Momentum?, CPD, Dhaka.

Moazzem, K. G. 2017. “Cross-border Connectivity Initiatives across South Asia: Would the Broader Region-wide Connectivity be Ensured?” In De, P. and Rahman, M. (Eds.) Regional Integration in South Asia: Essays in Honour of Dr. M. Rahmatullah. New Delhi: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd.

Moazzem, K.G., M.I. Chowdhury and F. Sehrin (2018). Chapter VIII titled Regional Investment Cooperation for a South Asia Economic Union in the volume titled Next Steps to South Asian Economic Union – A Study Prepared on Regional Economic Integration (Phase II), SAARC Secretariat, Kathmandu.

Moazzem, K. G. 2017. “Cross-border Connectivity Initiatives across South Asia: Would the Broader Region-wide Connectivity be Ensured?” In De, P. and Rahman, M. (Eds.) Regional Integration in South Asia: Essays in Honour of Dr. M. Rahmatullah. New Delhi: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd.

Moazzem, K. G. and Radia, M. A. 2018. Trade and connectivity in the BIMSTEC region: Questions of ‘incremental benefits’ for the member countries. In De, P. (Ed.). Twenty Years of BIMSTEC: Promoting Regional Cooperation and Integration in the Bay of Bengal Region. New Delhi: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd.

Moazzem, K. G. and Radia, M. A. 2018. Trade and connectivity in the BIMSTEC region: Questions of ‘incremental benefits’ for the member countries. In De, P. (Ed.). Twenty Years of BIMSTEC: Promoting Regional Cooperation and Integration in the Bay of Bengal Region. New Delhi: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd.

Moazzem, K. G. (2017). “Cross-border Connectivity Initiatives across South Asia: Would the Broader Region-wide Connectivity be Ensured?” In De, P. and Rahman, M. (eds.) Regional Integration in South Asia: Essays in Honour of Dr. M. Rahmatullah. New Delhi: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd. [Launched in October 2016]

Rahman, M., Moazzem, K. G., Chowdhury, M. I. and Sehrin, F. (2016). “Bangladesh: Perspectives on Deepening Cross-border Links.” In Plummer, M. G., Morgan, P. J. and Wignaraja, G. (eds.) Connecting Asia: Infrastructure for Integrating South and Southeast Asia. Cheshire: Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Edward Elgar Publishing.

Rahman, M., K.G. Moazzem, M I Chowdhury and F Sehrin. 2015. Connecting South Asia and Southeast Asia: A Bangladesh Country Study, ADBI Working Paper Series No.500, Tokyo, September.

Rahman, Mustafizur and KG Moazzem Mehruna Islam Chowdhury and Farzana Sehrin. 2014. Connecting South Asia and Southeast Asia, Bangladesh Country Study Paper. ADBI Working Paper Series, Tokyo.

Moazzem, K.G. 2014. “A Note on Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference: Issues, Concerns and Implications for Bangladesh” in the Journal of International Affairs, Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G., N. Ahmed, N. Manzur and M. I. Chowdhury. 2012. Development of a Framework for a Comprehensive Trade Policy for Bangladesh. CPD Working Paper 100. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G. 2014. “Regional Investment Cooperation in South Asia: Policy Issues” in the book titled Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation in South Asia: Trends, Challenges and Prospects, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.

Moazzem, K.G. and Saifa Raz. 2014. “Foreign Direct Investment for Development and Productive Capacity Building in LDCs” in the Book titled Istanbul Programme of Action: Monitoring Deliverables, Tracking Progress. The Commonwealth.

Moazzem, K.G. 2015. “Enhancing FDI Flow in South Asia: Exploring a Framework for Regional Cooperation.” SARCist, March 2015.

Moazzem, K.G., K.K Bashak and S. Raz. 2014. Investment and Financing in the BCIM EC: Opportunities, Challenges and Policies, BIISS and CPD, Dhaka.

Khatun, F., Bhattacharya, D., Rahman, M., Moazzem, K.G., Khan, T.I., Sabbih, M.A. and Saadat, S.Y. (2020). Four years of SDGs in Bangladesh: Measuring progress and charting the path forward. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh.

Moazzem, K.G. (2021). BIMSTEC cooperation on trade: How to ensure incremental growth in intra-regional trade? Available at

Rahman, M. and Moazzem, K.G. 2014. “Development of the Private Sector in South Asia: Addressing the Challenges for Building Competitiveness”. Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS). Colombo.

Moazzem, K.G. (2020). Bilateral FTAs for Bangladesh: Identifying the ‘Natural Partners’. In Raihan, S. and De, P. (Eds). Trade and Regional Integration in South Asia: A Tribute to Saman Kelegama. Singapore: Springer.

Moazzem, K.G (2014). Contributed in section 6 on “State of production and investment in the manufacturing sector during the period of political violence, Production and investment in the manufacturing sector during the period of political violence, instability and uncertainty” in the report on Analytical Review of Bangladesh’s Macroeconomic Performance in Fiscal Year 2014, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2014). Contributed in section 3 on Private Investment in the post-election year: Why It did not pick-up? In the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in Fiscal Year 2015 (First Reading), Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2016). Contributed in section 4 on “Assessment of progress of Fast Track projects” in the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2015 and the Closure of Sixth Five Year Plan, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2015). Contributed in section 7 on “Challenges confronted by the manufacturing sector: Reforms needed” in the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2015-16 First Reading State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2016-17 Second Reading, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2018). Contributed in section 4 on “Promoting private investment: How to strengthen policy instruments?” in the report on CPD’s Budget Recommendations for the National Budget on FY2017-18, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2018). Contributed in section 4 on “Private investment in Bangladesh: Challenges for development of SMEs” in the report on “State of Bangladesh Economy 2018-19 and Upcoming National Elections Priorities for Electoral Debates”, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2020). Contributed in section 3 on “Early assessment of BDT5,000 crore (emergency) incentive package: will the target groups get the benefits?” in the report on A Rapid Assessment of Stimulus Packages and Relief Measures: Will the Target Groups Get the Benefits?, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2020). Contributed in section 4 on “Early assessment of BDT20,000 crore: will the target groups get the benefits?: will the target groups get the benefits?” in the report on A Rapid Assessment of Stimulus Packages and Relief Measures: Will the Target Groups Get the Benefits?, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2017). Contributed in section 4 on “Recent volatility in the capital market: To what extent institutional investors contribute to this?” in the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2016-17 Third Reading, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2018). Contributed in section 5 on “Capital Market at Bay” in the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2017-18 Third Reading, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka

Moazzem, K.G. and Sehrin, F. 2015. Informal Cattle Trade between Bangladesh and India. SARCist, June 2015.

Moazzem, K.G (2018). Contributed in section 4 “Bullish and bearish trends in the capital market: role of institutional investors and regulators” in the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2017-18 Second Reading, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2018). Contributed in section 4 on “Recent volatility in the capital market: to what extent institutional investors contribute to this?” in the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2017-18, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

Moazzem, K.G (2018). Contributed in section 4 on “Capital Market in Crisis” in the report on State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2019-20 First Reading, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka.

4. Clean Energy and Power

Moazzem, K.G. and A.S.A. Shibly (2020). The Power Sector in the National Budget for FY2020-21: An Analysis of Allocative Priorities and Alternate Proposals. CPD Policy Brief 2020 (5). Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and A.S.M. Shibly (2020). ‘Abandoning Coal in Power Generation: Government Initiatives & Way Forward’. Presentation is available at: link:

Moazzem, K.G. and H. M. Preoty (2021). “Proposed Power System Master Plan (PSMP): An Analysis of Analytical Frame, Methodology and Factors for Demand Side Analysis”, The presentation is available at:

Moazzem, K.G. and A.S.M. Shibly (2020). Power and Energy Sector in the Upcoming 8th Five Year Plan: Context Analysis with regard to Its Outlook, Focus and Strategies” The presentation is available at:

Op-eds and Interviews

Disarray in private investment

Private investment is experiencing major disarray during the tenure of interim government which was started in the previous regime.


Persistent headwinds and concerns in external sector

Amid the prevailing bleak macroeconomic scenario and the pressure on several fronts, the external sector performance during the first half of FY25 offers some much needed and welcome relief to the Bangladesh economy.


Low-output, high-cost spiral of rice & wheat

Import of Rice and Wheat. Given the shortages of production, the import of rice has significantly increased during FY25. During the first half of FY25, a total of 2.8 lakh tonnes of rice has been imported- mostly by the private sector.


Navigating expectations in turbulent times

The economy of Bangladesh has been facing considerable challenges over the last couple of years which have weakened the macroeconomic stability.


অবহেলিত সার্ক কার্যকর হলে বাড়বে আমদানি-রপ্তানি – ড. খন্দকার গোলাম মোয়াজ্জেম

গত ৫ আগস্ট ছাত্র-জনতার অভ্যুত্থানে আওয়ামী লীগ সরকারের পতনের পর ৮ আগস্ট দায়িত্ব নিয়েছে অন্তর্বর্তী সরকার। এরপর ভারত-পাকিস্তানসহ বিভিন্ন দেশের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কে কিছুটা পরিবর্তন এসেছে।


জ্বালানি তেলের দাম লিটারে ১০ থেকে ১৫ টাকা কমানো সম্ভব

জ্বালানি তেলের দাম স্বয়ংক্রিয় পদ্ধতিতে নির্ধারণ করার নিয়ম চালু হওয়ার পর জনসাধারণের প্রত্যাশা ছিল আন্তর্জাতিক বাজারমূল্যের সঙ্গে সমন্বয় হলে জ্বালানির দাম অনেক কমে আসবে।


Remembering Sir Fazle Hasan Abed: A life fulfilled – Rehman Sobhan

I first met Fazle Hasan Abed at Oxford, though our paths had briefly crossed before. At the time, he was an executive at Shell in Chattogram, a position that placed him within a distinct social circle.


Data is politics in developing countries – Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem

Sluggish export-import growth, struggling private sector, foreign debt, and lack of data credibility—the newly formed interim government is looking at numerous problems to address.


Poverty reduction requires long-term solutions – Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem

Events like the Covid pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war are completely unexpected for developing economies like ours, and we are not prepared for such events in advance. As a result, these occurrences affect the economy in various ways, which leads to a risk of more people falling below the poverty line.


Bangladesh’s fossil fuel misadventure offers sobering lessons on what not to do for a proper energy transition – Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem

Bangladesh is focused on tackling essential socio-economic challenges following its recent political transition. Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem, the Research Director at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), shares his thoughts on how Bangladesh’s power and energy sector’s trajectory is far off course and calls for proactively transitioning to cleaner energy sources.


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