Wednesday, July 3, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

This policy brief is based on the key findings of the aforementioned study. This policy brief titled " Strengthening Bangladesh-Japan Partnership Through Enhanced Trade, Investment, and Technological Collaboration" focuses on various issues and potentials involving Japan-Bangladesh partnership Read more
The safety standards of non-RMG factories and establishments are becoming a foremost issue as the number of incidents and causalities is up surging over time. Read more
This study focuses on the relationship between public policies and research during the Covid pandemic period in addressing the challenges of the marginalised businesses, particularly for SMEs and women-led enterprises, in getting access to financial support Read more
This policy brief is based on a research study titled “Skills Gap and Youth Employment in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Analysis”, which explored the skills that are most highly demanded in Bangladesh's labour market. Read more
This paper traces the role played by government policy in fostering Bangladesh’s burgeoning pharmaceuticals sector and then examines the extent to which such policies would have been permissible under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules and the rules of recent trade and investment treaties. Read more
As the country is moving forward to expedite economic growth and is getting more integrated with the global market, it is also bringing challenges along, which include—the need to adhere to international labour laws and ensuring safety standards in working conditions particularly in manufacturing, and the need to be environmentally compliant. Read more
This policy brief highlights the state of business competitiveness of Bangladesh in the context of the reduction in COVID transmission and the easing of restrictions, with the objective to understand the level of recovery in the business environment. Read more
This report, prepared under the Centre for Policy Dialogue’s (CPD) flagship programme titled Independent Review of Bangladesh’s Development (IRBD), offers an analysis of the economy that started off on a normal course at the beginning of the fiscal year and then entered into an unforeseen terrain and uncharted waters soon after the first quarter. Read more
The objective of the study is to review the existing practices of different standards and certificates related to socially responsible public procurement (SRPP), and their potential and effectiveness in improving workers’ well-being, along with employment and workplace safety and workers’ rights in Bangladesh. Read more
This report aims to analyse the country context, policies, and budgets of the fiscal year against gender-based violence and the associated sense of fear. Read more
গত ১৬ জানুয়ারি ২০২২ তারিখে নারায়ণগঞ্জ সিটি কর্পোরেশনের নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। এ নির্বাচনকে ঘিরে দেশব্যাপী ব্যাপক আগ্রহ সৃষ্টি হয়। বহুল আলোচিত নির্বাচনটি সুষ্ঠু ও শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে বলে প্রতিভাত হয়েছে। Read more