Wednesday, July 3, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

In the past six months, 82 different types of accidents have been reported in the national dailies; in other words, almost one incident occurred in every two days. Read more
সিপিডি ২০২১ সাল জুড়ে কোভিড অতিমারির প্রাদুর্ভাব, তার নানামুখী প্রভাব, সরকারের নানান উদ্যোগ ও তার বাস্তবায়ন ইত্যাদি নিয়ে বিশদভাবে গবেষণা করেছে। সেই প্রেক্ষিতে ২০২১ সালের সামগ্রিক মূল্যায়ন, সেইসঙ্গে ২০২২ সালে দেশের অর্থনীতি কী ধরনের চ্যালেঞ্জের সম্মুখীন হতে পারে সেটির একটি প্রতিফলন বইটিতে রয়েছে। Read more
This policy brief discusses the conceptual issues related to state’s role in implementing UNGPs in businesses, review the current state of human and labour rights practices under the UNGP framework in the RMG sector Read more
In this policy brief, the state of the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) in RMG factories has been discussed with specific focus on how the employers could take part in effective enforcement of human and labour rights practices under the UNGPs framework. Read more
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effect of climate change for its terrestrial and demographic features. In recent times, climate displacement and internal migration to the big city slums for employment opportunities have been critical problems for the country hindering the attainment of a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read more
The Working Paper 140 aims to understand the human, economic and social hazards endured by Bangladesh due to COVID-19, and measure the country’s resilience and the potential impacts of COVID on the graduation of Bangladesh from the least developed country (LDC) status. Read more
Bangladesh, like most of the countries in the world, had to restrict mobility and economic activities to tackle the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Read more
Gender wage gap in the labour market is a widely discussed issue in relevant discourse and literature. Societal attitude, occupational segregation, vertical segregation, barriers to entry and retention, and discriminatory practices at workplace are often cited as factors contributing to women getting lower wages compared to men. Read more
Corporate accountability of the apparel sector enterprises of Bangladesh can be scrutinised based on their actions/inactions during COVID-19. The export-oriented apparel sector of Bangladesh has received various fiscal and monetary policy supports from the government to address the liquidity shortfall during the pandemic period. Read more
The monetary policy of FY2021–22 appears to be a cautious policy during the chaotic times of the pandemic. The central bank has refrained from taking any active steps in reducing the prevailing excess liquidity in the banking system, but has assured that it will not hesitate to take action if the need arises. Read more
The unequal access to vaccines for Covid-19, makes it difficult for countries such as Bangladesh to vaccinate its population at the same pace as the wealthier countries. Read more