Wednesday, July 3, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

This thematic volume of IRBD 2005-06 has identified fourteen strategic issues which are likely to have important medium-term implications on how Bangladesh develops over the coming years. Read more
%%excerpt%% This paper focuses on the UNCTAD XII Conference that took place in Accra, Ghana during 20-25 April 2008. This paper makes an analysis of the Final Draft (Accra Accord) of this Conference Read more
This paper analyses major proposals in the budget with a view to assess the implications of the FY2008-09 budget proposals for the economy Read more
This publication presents an analysis of the performance of major macroeconomic indicators of Bangladesh during the first three quarters of FY2007-08 Read more
This paper provides an analysis of the performance of major macroeconomic indicators of Bangladesh during the first three quarters of FY2007-08. Read more
The paper is the output of a Tracking Mission to Geneva by the senior CPD researchers. The paper makes an analysis of the state of play of negotiations at the WTO under the Doha Round as of March 2008. Read more
As Bangladesh gets increasingly integrated into the global economy, trade-related issues are assuming greater importance. Read more
The monograph tries to investigate how adjustments occur in the Bangladesh RMG sector in response to the new competitive global environment Read more
This volume is the outcome of a study jointly implemented by the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and the SouthAsia Enterprise Development Facility (SEDF). Read more
This volume of the IRBD 2007 analyses the performance of the economy in FY2006-07, and presents some of the likely outcomes in the following year. Read more
The paper presented a report card of the macroeconomic performance in FY2007-08 for the first six months showing seven indicators of hope, and eight indicators of disquiet. Read more
This study is an attempt to explore the potentials for expanding trade and investment under the ambit of sub-regional cooperation comprising four contiguous countries of Eastern South Asia Read more