Wednesday, July 3, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

The paper analyses business competitiveness situation in Bangladesh by evaluating the major growth-impeding factors. Read more
This paper analyses the present developments and future prospects for increased agricultural trade for Bangladesh with the EU. Read more
The Macro Volume of IRBD 2005 presents the trends and dynamics of the macroeconomic variables in Bangladesh during FY2004-05. Read more
The present study on fish trade liberalisation examines the impacts of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, and eco-labelling on shrimp exports from Bangladesh. Read more
This study has analysed the trend, structure and changing features of the external sector of Bangladesh, based on the past performance and changes in the global economy. Read more
This report has been prepared as part of CPD's ongoing assessment of macroeconomic performance of Bangladesh under CPD's programme titled Independent Review of Bangladesh's Development (IRBD). Read more
The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) decided in 2003 to reconvene the Citizen’s Task Forces (2001) which were set up with a view to provide inputs to the pre-election debates and to articulate a set of policy recommendations for the newly elected government. Read more
This paper analyses the implementation challenges facing the Bangladesh poverty reduction strategy as articulated in the document Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction. Read more
The book is a compendium of nine papers which assess the privatisation experience of Bangladesh from a number of important dimensions. Read more
In view of the forthcoming Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting of the WTO, to be held during 13-18 December 2005 Read more
This paper reviews the state of negotiations as regards agriculture and the developments in the context of the July Package Read more
This is the first volume published on Citizen’s Social Charter for South Asia (CSCSA) prepared over a period of six years involving citizens’ groups from South Asian countries. Read more