Wednesday, July 3, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

This paper highlights the importance of information in the context of the growing involvement of LDCs in trade negotiations. Read more
This paper attempts to make an estimate about the range of preferential erosion for Bangladesh given her current trade pattern and preferential treatment enjoyed by her exports. Read more
The study attempts to quantify the very role that RMG plays in the economy of Bangladesh. Read more
The paper makes an analysis of the state of play of negotiations at the WTO under the Doha Round as of May 2005. Read more
The study explored the Canadian initiative that granted duty-free and quota-free market access facility for the LDCs. Read more
The study aims to explore various dimensions of the issue of child labour in Bangladesh, particularly from a policy perspective. It attempts to examine the perceived causes of child labour, its extent and the different forms it assumes, and its corresponding impact. Read more
The report presents an analysis of a number of key issues in the context of the ongoing WTO negotiations on GATS from the perspective of Bangladesh’s interests and concerns. Read more
The volume is a compendium of eight articles that reflects the dynamics of Bangladesh’s external sector as it strives to address the demands of an increasingly competitive global market. Read more
It identifies the departure from the Cancun Draft Text (Progression or Regression) from an LDC perspective, and put forward some suggestions as regards issues which Bangladesh could pursue in the course of future negotiations. Read more
The 2004 flood in Bangladesh will be remembered because of the rapidity with which it struck, and the severity of the damages Read more
The paper looks at the possibilities of LDC Members of the WTO to rely upon its dispute settlement provisions to gain the benefits they reasonably believe should accrue from their participation in the organisation. Read more
This paper makes an analysis of the potential implications of the market access initiative of Japan under the New GSP Scheme. Read more