Wednesday, July 3, 2024


CPD’s current publication list contains more than 500 titles including Books, Monographs, Working Papers, Dialogue Briefs and Policy Briefs. If you want to collect the hard copies of the publications, please contact with CPD. You can find the soft copies of the book in the CPD website.

The paper makes an attempt to analyse environmental issues in the context of multilateral trading systems and the developments taking place in the WTO. Read more
The paper provides an understanding about the important implications of the Doha Development Round negotiations for Bangladesh. Read more
The study is aimed to understand Bangladesh’s position (in terms of financial liberalisation and internationalisation measures) for fulfilling the GATS and FSA requirements. Read more
The paper highlights how gradual reduction in the tariff barriers aims to facilitate market access for goods that is at the heart of the GATT process Read more
This paper identifies areas of common interest for Bangladesh in terms of energy usage and trade through an examination of Canada's experience in developing her energy sector. Read more
This paper provides an overview of how trade facilitation has been addressed in the WTO to date, and how this may affect Bangladesh’s negotiating strategy on trade facilitation in the upcoming Cancun Ministerial and beyond. Read more
The paper is aimed at providing an early assessment of the anticipated consequences of Iraq war and its possible impacts on Bangladesh economy. Read more
The paper provides insights into Bangladesh’s possible strategies regarding agriculture, market access and trade facilitation for future negotiations in the context of collapse of the WTO Ministerial Meeting held in Cancun. Read more
The paper aims to reveal the importance of putting the process, outcome and future implications of the Cancun Ministerial under critical and careful scrutiny to draw the necessary insights and lessons related to major issues debated and discussed. Read more
With the phase-out of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) to be completed by January 2005, the least developed countries such as Bangladesh are expected to face a formidable challenge. Read more
The study attempts to capture the impact on the livelihood concerns of female workers particularly in terms of family-poverty, women’s employment and women’s empowerment. Read more
The objectives of this paper is to underline the factors constraining low use of male contraceptive methods in Bangladesh Read more